Red really suits YanZi very well, makes her look sophisticated and feminine.

For more advertorials and brochures of YanZi in action, check out the SK Jewellery website. Scroll down for more random rantings of my feelings of selected 'ANIMELO SUMMER LIVE 2007 LIVE' clips, courtesy from yamibo.
I was busying watching the clips of 'ANIMELO SUMMER LIVE 2007 LIVE' and was totally amazed by Suara's performance of '夢想歌' and 'キミガタメ'. Manz, I might be tempted to purchase it from YesAsia since the price is cheaper than Play-asia's. O_o but I think that will be quite a while later, I've spent way too much this December ... lol.
Here's some selected reviews [Sorry for the lousy screenshot quality];

[Chihara Minori aka Minorin] 茅原実里 - 純白サンクチュアリィ/君がくれたあの日;
Minorin's really high, at the same time she makes rather wide actions yet she keeps that refined girl image. Her normal voice's really squeaky though lol but when she sings, it's sooooo different. Love the live violin band behind.

[Jyukai] 樹海 - あなたがいた森/咲かせてはいけない花;
Jyukai's a duo rock band, the vocal singer's Manami [On the pic], I like the parts when she reached the chorus and went really high on the notes.

[Kuribayashi Minami & Momoi Haruko] 栗林みな実 & 桃井はるこ - うしろゆびさされ組;
LoL, this is a really cute song and it seemed like both Minami and Haruko were enjoying themselves in the fluffy seifuku [sailor uniform] cosplay lol. Haruko's voice was rather whiny especially when she wanted to stretch the last verse, not sure if it's a trademark of hers but ... well it's kind of annoying if she did it a number of times in the song.

Suara - 夢想歌/キミガタメ;
I'm a fan of hers after watching the clip of her part, her voice's like soooo pure and strong, full of power and emotion. Her voice's kinda the same wavelength as YanZi's, very pleasant to listen to and easy to blend in with their voices. Highly recommended, try watching her part on youtube.

[Takarano Arika & Mizuki Nana] 宝野アリカ & 水樹奈々 - 聖少女領域;
ALI PROJECT's vocal lead, Takarano Arika teamed up with Mizuki Nana in their rendition of Rozen Maiden träumend OP, 'Seishoujo Ryouiki'. Love their dark and mysterious gothic dresses. White vs Black, great theme.

ALI PROJECT - 勇侠青春謳/暗黒天国/跪いて足をお嘗め;
ALI PROJECT had their own solo performance, they sung three songs, the ED of Code Geass - Lelouch of the Rebellion, OP of Kamichama Karin and ED of Kaibutsu Oujo. It's weird to see the 'traps' prancing around as she sung cos I was expecting of a more mahou shoujo theme lol.

[Mizuki Nana] 水樹奈々 - SECRET AMBITION/Justice to Believe/Heart-shaped Chant;
Similarly, Mizuki Nana had her own performance, alot of Mizuki Nana goodness so if you're a Nana-chan fanboy/girl, get this DVD XD, she's really high in the concert lol.

[Hirano Aya] 平野綾 - 冒険でしょでしょ;
I'm rather disappointed with Hirano Aya's rendition of the 'punked & upbeat' performance of Bouken Desho Deshou?, it was well, plainly put, shrilly and unnatural, a far cry from the PVs I watched a while ago. Her outfit was quite horrible too, manz, the hair style was a total mess. Her singing voice was still okay but she really shouldn't scream/shriek even though she's really high, it was way over-rated and whiny, I know that's her normal voice but to hear it 10 times loud was excruciating.

Whole Cast - Generation A;
The whole cast of ANIMELO SUMMER LIVE 2007 come together to sing Generation A, a nice ending to the concert.
I really like how enthusiastic the fanboys at the standing front rows were lol. The effects, songs and even the editing of the clips were really good, if I were watching live in that stadium, I would really be moved to tears. Seriously, the Singapore Indoor Stadium has a LONGGGGGGGGGGGG way to go if they want to reach world class standard.
By the way, I'll do the summary of Hatsu Koi Shimai Chapter 8 on weekend instead.
[Signing off @ 9:26 PM]
Aya Hirano can't sing anyway LOL.
ReplyDeleteto chraen, lol, she's a good seiyuu though and youth is money, milk all you like! That's all I can say XD.